Monasticism and Monastic Codes
Across the Buddhist World
June 22nd - 24th, 2019
Chongde Temple, Shangyi, P.R.C.
The Woodenfish Foundation and the Charhar Institute ( 察哈 尔 学会 ) are pleased to announce a 2019 Woodenfish Forum, an academic conference which seeks to bring together scholars from all parts of the world to discuss and present new research ideas, perspectives and
approaches to the theme of “Monasticism and Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World.”
Although monks and nuns are in many ways the face of Buddhism, the lives of these people, and how their lives have shaped the Buddhist community over the course of history has often been idealized, mythicized, or otherwise poorly understood. In this conference, we hope to bring together scholarly perspectives on the place of monastic life, the codes that guide monastic life, and the ethical principles that provide the framework for living as a Buddhist across the range of Buddhist societies.
We hope the conference can represent not only Chinese and East Asian Buddhism, but as many regions of Buddhism as possible, including South Asian, South East Asian, and Tibetan Buddhism. While we hope the majority of scholars will choose to focus on the conference topic, we will also consider proposals for topics related to Buddhism in a broader sense, or in related fields such as Chinese Studies, Religious studies, and Philosophy.
This conference is scheduled to take place from the 22-24th of June 2019, at Chongde Temple 崇德寺 in Shangyi 尚 义, near Zhangjiakou City 张 家口 , northwest of Beijing .
For more information about the conference, please contact: