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Sangha Educational Exchange Studies SEES  2025-- New England, USA 


     To embark on a transformative journey with the "Sangha Education Exchange Studies in New

England, USA" from April 13th (Sunday) to 25th (Friday), 2025.

     Immerse yourself in the academic atmosphere auditing classes and lectures and having dialogues

with Buddhist scholars at Harvard, MIT, Boston University, Boston College, Smith College, Brown, and



   ​  To venture into spiritual realms by living in Cambridge Zen Center and Providence Zen Center;

and visiting the Barre Buddhist Center, Peace House, Wat Nawamintararachutis Temple, America

Wisdom Temple and other sites.

     The course covers topics related to studying abroad, establishing non-profit organizations in the U.S,

and religious immigration. It also includes studying the history of Buddhism in America and methods for

propagating the Dharma in the West.



Program Overview and Mission

Program Overview:

Our program is dedicated to nurturing young monastics, providing them with a transformative journey to

expand their international vision. Through our tour, we aim to guide them in exploring advanced higher

education, with a particular focus on facilitating their application process to advanced institutions of higher


Our program adopts a comprehensive academic approach, fostering intellectual growth and development.

As part of our mission, we strive to equip the individuals with the skills and knowledge to effectively spread

the Dharma globally.



Our mission is to empower and cultivate the next generation of monastics by broadening

their horizons and facilitating their engagement with international perspectives. We are

committed to guiding them through advanced education opportunities, specifically assisting

in their applications to renowned higher educational institutions. By emphasizing a holistic

academic approach, we aim to not only enhance their individual growth but also to prepare

them for a meaningful contribution to the global propagation of the Dharma.

Student Requirements:


- Proficiency in English

- Age between 18 and 50

- Deep understanding of Buddhism

- Dedication to Buddhist principles and teamwork

- Full commitment to participating in the entire program

- Capability to obtain a US Visa

- Financial capacity to cover the program costs

Tentative Itinerary:

4/13 Sun Arrival & Orientation(Cambridge Zen Center)

4/14 mon Harvard

4/15 Tue Harvard 

4/16 Wed BU

4/17 Thu Smith College

4/18 Fri Barre Center

4/19 Sat Peace House & Shambhala Center 

4/20 Sun Boston City

4/21 Mon  BC & MIT 

4/22 Tue Providence Zen Center 

4/23 Wed Wat Temple 

4/24 Thu Brown 

4/25  Fri Yale + Departure


*Our program operates on a volunteer basis, with a mission to offer young monastics an opportunity to witness the landscape of Buddhism in the West society and advanced higher education institutions. 


*Fee: $2000 USD, to cover 12 nights temple stay and three meals, transportation and tuitions during the program (not include lunch & dinner & transportation on 4/20 personal trip to Boston City). This amount of payment does NOT include airline ticket, visa fee and travel/medical insurance.

*Some selected monastic participants could apply for $1000USD grant. 








2、參學當地代表性的美傳佛教中心- Barre Center, Cambridge Zen Center, Peace House, Providence Zen Center, Shambhala Center 和在美泰國寺廟和華人寺廟





1. 四眾佛弟子(錄取率 僧多俗少)有正念、道心、發願作國際弘法,有團隊合群,不脫隊者

2. 年齡 50歲以下(原則上以培養青年才俊為主,但不排除有影響力的僧眾)

3. 可以用英語溝通者 




2、費用美金$2000元,包括12夜住宿·團體行動交通·餐費 (不包含4/20日波士頓一日自由行交通與午晚餐)

3、部分錄取出家法師可申請$1000美元補助講學金 (***有待某個基金會是否撥多少款下來)


~【行程】~ *為配合各大學佛學課程的旁聽講演 行程將有變動

4/13 週日 報到 與說明 Cambridge Zen Center

4/14 週一 哈佛大學

4/15 週二 哈佛大學

4/16 週三哈佛大學

4/17 週四 波士頓大學 

4/18 週五 美傳佛教Barre Center

4/19 週六 美傳佛教和平精舍&香巴拉中心

4/20 週日 波士頓一日遊自由行

4/21 週一 波士頓學院與麻省理工學院

4/22 週二 美傳佛教普羅維登斯禪修中心 Providence Zen Center

4/23 週三 泰國寺廟

4/24 週四 布朗大學

4/25  週五 耶魯大學 結營 各自安排







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Woodenfish Foundation is an organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 2016

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