World CitiZens Youth Camp in Taiyuan a Success for 2nd Year
This August, students and teachers from around the world came together for a week of purposeful living, dedicated learning, and new...

Woodenfish Gains Special Consultative Status with United Nations' ECOSOC
We are excited to announce that Woodenfish Foundation has been granted special consultative status with the United Nations through...

Interested in going to China this Fall? Woodenfish's new WISE Program may be just what you are l
Woodenfish announces a new program in Long Quan Temple, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China. The program is called Woodenfish International...

HBMLP Greetings from Longquan Temple, by HBMLP Staff, Zoltan Toth
Amituofo! The Humanistic Buddhist Monastic Life Program always kept evolving and developing over the years, and this year is no exception...

Woodenfish Dunhuang Conference
Woodenfish Foundation, in collaboration with the Dunhuang Research Academy, co-hosted approximately 50 international and domestic Chinese...

Ven. Yifa meets as part of Planning Committee for China's November 2016 Nishan Forum 尼山论坛
On April 22nd, Venerable Yifa, the Founder and President of Woodenfish Foundation, engaged in the ninth session of the organizing...

Ven. Yifa gives lecture at Columbia University and University of Michigan
Ven. Yifa gave a lecture to approximately 40 people at Columbia University in New York, NY and later at University of Michigan in Ann...

A Day in the Life at UN Women of the World
March 18th Report UN WOMEN 2016 By Joanne Cheng The sixth day of UN Women World Conference 2016 featured an important panel discussion on...

Woodenfish Members meet with Animal Rights Activist, Shannon Elizabeth
Visitors part of the Woodenfish program, UN Women of the World, who are visiting New York from all parts of China met with actress,...

Our 2015 Annual Report is Now Available!
We invite you to read up on the 2015 Woodenfish Annual Report to gain a better understanding of our mission, vision, strategy for...